We have been learning about how to gain greater confidence during my series, Confident in God's Hands. I would like to help you identify confidence robbers, figure out how to minimize their impact on your life, and learn to restore what they've stolen.
Abusers are everywhere, even in church.
There are abusers in every corner of our world. Sadly, quite a few of them can actually be found in churches. They may be in positions of leadership or authority, serving as elders, deacons, or high-profile volunteers.
It can be hard for us to identify these church-going bullies, because they don't allow everyone to see their ugly side. But it's easy for them to target us. We're often still very vulnerable, compliant people-pleasers after having been abused for so many years. These bullies find us, because we tend to be incredibly polite, soft-spoken members of our faith community.
If we have wronged someone without realizing it, they have a right to voice their concerns. We should strive to make amends quickly so that we don't create divisions between believers. But when a verbally abusive person bashes us into the ground over every single failing that they perceive about us, they cross the line. They are no longer offering us helpful feedback about one issue. They aren't looking for ways to get along with us. They're usually trying to control our minds, our hearts, and our lives.
A very difficult woman from our former church once invited herself to our house under the guise of praying for me and our unborn baby. Within two minutes of arriving, she began telling me all about why my husband was unfit as the minister, how I was a failure as a church leader, and how she would run the church if she could.
We all understand that people like this are a little screwy, but they still seem to push our buttons. When they leave, we find ourselves in a blubbering heap on the sofa, uncertain of everything about ourselves all over again.
Abusers disguised as sheep can destroy our confidence.
An emotional abuser can dump so much criticism on us within seconds that we may feel devastated. Their timing is usually very carefully planned, heaping insults and negativity on us when we least expect it, and in a place where they know we will most likely not stand up for ourselves.
My standard response to a person who emotionally abuses me at church is to just stand there and take it. Even when verbal abusers say completely unkind things to me, I often find myself assuring them that I will take whatever they have to say, weigh it, and learn whatever I can from their input.
Afterward, I find myself wishing I had stood up to them, told them that they were out of line, and reminded them that everybody dislikes being bullied. Instead, I usually scurry away from them, desperately trying not to burst into tears. Emotional abusers can shame me so badly that I wish the floor would open up and swallow me. I can become so upset by their verbal bashing that I can't handle my responsiblities at work or at home.
If we think about the situation long enough, we may realize that a confidence robber has been criticizing us like this at every opportunity for years. They may snicker about our spouse's faults or our children's shortcomings behind their backs. They remind us at every turn that we don't know what we're doing. Many of their unkind remarks are either muttered under their breath or veiled in sarcasm.
Learn to identify confidence robbers.
Confidence robbers in sheep's clothing are difficult to recognize, but if we become more aware of their tactics and how they make us feel, we can figure out how to identify them a little sooner.
We need to think about how we feel when we encounter someone who is constantly negative, critical, or sarcastic. If we are feeling confident, and a conversation with someone like this makes our chin quiver, our eyes mist over, and our heart pound, they're probably emotional abusers. If we feel shamed by the things they're telling us about ourselves, we must realize that they're attacking our character, not just a single fault.
It's important to become particularly wary around people who smile a lot at us and seem unusually friendly. If they're the type of person whom no one else in our community group can get along with, we must question why they're singling us out in the crowd. We don't have to become paranoid that every smiling person is an abuser, but we do need to tune into what our spirits may be telling us about certain people.
Limit your exposure to confidence robbers.
If we've been abused as children, we've probably learned that limiting the amount of time we spend with our parents is best. If we've withstood domestic violence within a marriage, we've hopefully learned that we can function better away from that destructive relationship.
Unfortunately, many of us fail to recognize that we must also limit the amount of time we spend with emotional abusers in our community of faith. We can be polite with these confidence robbers, but we certainly should not be inviting them into our homes or visiting theirs. If we find ourselves in a volunteer situation alongside them, we have to find creative ways to insulate ourselves from their assaults.
Our confidence may already have hit rock-bottom after coming out of abusive situations. We don't need people like this to make us feel any more depressed or worthless than our abusers already have.
Restore confidence quickly.
If we do encounter a confidence robber, it's imperative for us to restore our self-esteem as quickly as possible. We must immediately remove ourselves from the situation the minute we realize what they're doing. We can excuse ourselves to go to the bathroom, make a phone call, or meet with someone else.
If they've made us angry, we can take a long walk, go for a run, beat up our bed with our pillow, or dig in the garden until the rage dissipates.
After we've calmed down, we must take inventory of all the things that we do well. If we haven't created a victory journal, as Jack Canfield suggests, it's time to start one. This is an account in a notebook of everything we have done well throughout our lives.
Ephesians 6:11 (NIV) reminds us, Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. When we take time to read the Bible daily and understand that obeying God's Word can equip us to deal with abusers, we become more courageous when confronted by confidence robbers.
Abusive people will eventually find it difficult to knock us down with their criticism and thinly veiled insults laced with sarcasm. If we review the Bible and our victory journals regularly, a confidence robber won't be able to put much of a dent in our armor.
How not to react to confidence robbers.
Whatever we do, we must not allow confidence robbers to steal away all of our self-esteem. Burrowing back into our beds, keeping the blinds closed, and giving up on life is not the answer. Changing our habits to do what they think is best for us is really the wrong tactic to take.
Trying to set people like this straight is a waste of time, too. Confronting them will usually bring on more insults.
The Bible reminds us of the importance of getting along with fellow believers. Unfortunately, a lot of ministers advise victims to confront abusive people. Church leaders frequently believe the myth that all Christian believers are required to apologize, forgive, and reconcile with their abusers. I heartily disagree with this generic practice of forgiveness when dealing with abusive people of any stripe.
Confidence robbers may state that they're believers. They may even hold powerful positions within the church. But, like the Pharisees of Jesus' day, their mouths are open graves. Romans 3:13 (NIV) reads, “Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips.”
So, when we run into confidence robbers, it's best to just get away quickly, restore our confidence as soon as possible, and avoid close encounters with them in the future. As far as forgiveness is concerned, we can ask God to help us release abusive people into his care and to let go of any anger we may harbor toward them.
Today's Challenge
Who is a confidence robber in your community of faith? Learn to recognize emotional abusers in sheep's clothing, and then limit the amount of time you spend with them. Build up your confidence after an encounter with them with a life review of accomplishments, read about God's love for you, or find an encouraging friend who can remind you that you are wonderful and special.
Showing posts with label emotional abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emotional abuse. Show all posts
Monday, July 18, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Our Hairstyle Reflects our Self-Confidence
We continue with my series, Confident in God's Hands. I am addressing issues that may contribute to low self-esteem, which can deter us from achieving our dreams. Today, I would like to consider how our hairstyles reveal our level of self-confidence.
What message is her haircut sending?
This photo shows Susan Boyle when she competed in Britain's Got Talent. She walked onstage and told the judges that she wanted to be a great singing sensation. The judges sneered at her, and the audience let out a collective snicker.
Susan's frizzy hair sent the message that she was a dowdy middle-aged housewife without much hope of ever making it in the world. After she belted out the first few notes, however, everyone's opinion of her changed dramatically. This woman could sing!
My first thought was that someone had better offer her a make-over. In this world, people expect singers, actors, and leaders to have beautiful hair. To appear in public looking this frazzled is a sure-fire way to become the brunt of many rude jokes and to be passed over when competing.
Past hurts can affect our self-image.
I have since read Susan Boyle's autobiography, and I have developed a deep appreciation for her courage. She was oxygen-deprived at birth and consequently had to overcome many learning disabilities throughout childhood.
Being teased by other children caused her to become extremely unsure of herself. She had such anxiety about performing when this picture was taken that she nearly backed out of the competition. Her appearance reflects how she felt.
When we are ostracized because we don't look or act like others, it can cause us to become depressed or to develop social anxiety. Depression and anxiety further lead to the neglect of our grooming habits. When we develop long-term apathy for our own souls, it gets reflected in the way we look.
For some of us, this becomes a vicious cycle. We don't feel good on the inside, so we look terrible. Looking unkempt causes others to avoid us or criticize us, which leads to feeling even worse. Something must change, or we remain stuck in this cycle indefinitely.
Like social ostracizing, emotional abuse can also leave lasting scars that make us feel ugly. My ex-husband was so mercilessly critical of my hair that it took me years after leaving him to believe that it was minimally good-looking.
It has only been in the past year that I have finally discovered an attractive haircut and color that make me feel confident again. I believe that my interest in improving my appearance coincides directly with the work I have done to forgive my abusers and to help other survivors.
What is God's opinion about our hair?
I believe that God gave us hair to enhance our beauty. When it is well cared for, a woman's hair can be her crowning glory. An attractive haircut and color can attract others to us. Women want to look like us, and men want to be with us.
King Solomon wrote about his lover, Your hair flows and shimmers like a flock of goats in the distance streaming down a hillside in the sunshine. (Song of Solomon 6:4 MSG) Okay, so Solomon's similes weren't all that great, but you get the idea. His woman's hair caused him to admire her and to appreciate the beauty that God created when he made her.
Our hair reflects how we feel about ourselves.
The photo below was taken of Susan Boyle after she won a recording contract for her first album.
What a difference! Yes, Susan had a makeover, but there's more to her look than just a good haircut. Her eyes tell a story about how she feels. The confidence she acquired by succeeding and gaining the acceptance of her peers changed her appearance completely. She broke the cycle of dowdiness by taking a leap of faith to use her talents and make a difference in the world.
Fake it until you make it.
If we feel depressed or anxious about going out into the world, our hair is gong to reflect our issues. Al-Anon advises that we fake it until we make it. In other words, we get up, shower, wash our hair, put on make-up, and dress in current fashions. We do this every day, no matter how badly we feel about ourselves.
Even if our hair isn't perfect, we keep trying until we get it right. Perhaps we begin by asking others for their honest opinion. Or maybe we seek out the advice of a highly respected hair stylist. I did both.
This process of changing our image may not be easy, but it's worth it in the long run. Making ourselves open to others' opinions and accepting feedback is the only way we are going to change.
Susan Boyle's jitters didn't go away with her overnight success. She continues to struggle with anxiety, but she is faking it and getting closer to making it every day. Her new hairstyle (which was created by a professional) is helping her to gain confidence along the way.
Today's Challenge
Have someone take a photo of you today. Is your hair expressing the glory and beauty that God created when he made you, or is there room for improvement? Ask others for their opinion or consult an expert to bring your hair into current fashion so that you can fake it until you develop greater confidence.
What message is her haircut sending?
This photo shows Susan Boyle when she competed in Britain's Got Talent. She walked onstage and told the judges that she wanted to be a great singing sensation. The judges sneered at her, and the audience let out a collective snicker.
Susan's frizzy hair sent the message that she was a dowdy middle-aged housewife without much hope of ever making it in the world. After she belted out the first few notes, however, everyone's opinion of her changed dramatically. This woman could sing!
My first thought was that someone had better offer her a make-over. In this world, people expect singers, actors, and leaders to have beautiful hair. To appear in public looking this frazzled is a sure-fire way to become the brunt of many rude jokes and to be passed over when competing.
Past hurts can affect our self-image.
I have since read Susan Boyle's autobiography, and I have developed a deep appreciation for her courage. She was oxygen-deprived at birth and consequently had to overcome many learning disabilities throughout childhood.
Being teased by other children caused her to become extremely unsure of herself. She had such anxiety about performing when this picture was taken that she nearly backed out of the competition. Her appearance reflects how she felt.
When we are ostracized because we don't look or act like others, it can cause us to become depressed or to develop social anxiety. Depression and anxiety further lead to the neglect of our grooming habits. When we develop long-term apathy for our own souls, it gets reflected in the way we look.
For some of us, this becomes a vicious cycle. We don't feel good on the inside, so we look terrible. Looking unkempt causes others to avoid us or criticize us, which leads to feeling even worse. Something must change, or we remain stuck in this cycle indefinitely.
Like social ostracizing, emotional abuse can also leave lasting scars that make us feel ugly. My ex-husband was so mercilessly critical of my hair that it took me years after leaving him to believe that it was minimally good-looking.
It has only been in the past year that I have finally discovered an attractive haircut and color that make me feel confident again. I believe that my interest in improving my appearance coincides directly with the work I have done to forgive my abusers and to help other survivors.
What is God's opinion about our hair?
I believe that God gave us hair to enhance our beauty. When it is well cared for, a woman's hair can be her crowning glory. An attractive haircut and color can attract others to us. Women want to look like us, and men want to be with us.
King Solomon wrote about his lover, Your hair flows and shimmers like a flock of goats in the distance streaming down a hillside in the sunshine. (Song of Solomon 6:4 MSG) Okay, so Solomon's similes weren't all that great, but you get the idea. His woman's hair caused him to admire her and to appreciate the beauty that God created when he made her.
Our hair reflects how we feel about ourselves.
The photo below was taken of Susan Boyle after she won a recording contract for her first album.
What a difference! Yes, Susan had a makeover, but there's more to her look than just a good haircut. Her eyes tell a story about how she feels. The confidence she acquired by succeeding and gaining the acceptance of her peers changed her appearance completely. She broke the cycle of dowdiness by taking a leap of faith to use her talents and make a difference in the world.
Fake it until you make it.
If we feel depressed or anxious about going out into the world, our hair is gong to reflect our issues. Al-Anon advises that we fake it until we make it. In other words, we get up, shower, wash our hair, put on make-up, and dress in current fashions. We do this every day, no matter how badly we feel about ourselves.
Even if our hair isn't perfect, we keep trying until we get it right. Perhaps we begin by asking others for their honest opinion. Or maybe we seek out the advice of a highly respected hair stylist. I did both.
This process of changing our image may not be easy, but it's worth it in the long run. Making ourselves open to others' opinions and accepting feedback is the only way we are going to change.
Susan Boyle's jitters didn't go away with her overnight success. She continues to struggle with anxiety, but she is faking it and getting closer to making it every day. Her new hairstyle (which was created by a professional) is helping her to gain confidence along the way.
Today's Challenge
Have someone take a photo of you today. Is your hair expressing the glory and beauty that God created when he made you, or is there room for improvement? Ask others for their opinion or consult an expert to bring your hair into current fashion so that you can fake it until you develop greater confidence.
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