
As a survivor of abuse and trauma, I understand how difficult life can be at times. I hope that you will learn new ways of coping each day, so that life becomes not just a way to survive, but an opportunity to thrive!

AMONG the ASHES will be available November 19!

My mystery, Among the Ashes, will be available November 19, 2011 in paperback and e-book versions. It tells a suspenseful story about a young woman who struggles to understand why she suffers from the anxiety and depression that go along with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). For more information, visit www.cheryldenton.com.

Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Feed Your Mind to Increase Confidence

My series, Confident in God's Hands, is designed to help readers increase their self-esteem. So many of us who have experienced abuse or trauma suffer from a complete lack of confidence. Today, I'd like to address the importance of feeding our minds.

Is your mind fully functional?
Have you ever been awakened by the phone ringing in the middle of the night? You slowly come to a state of semi-consciousness and punch the button on your alarm. The ringing continues. You realize that it's the phone, not the alarm, and you fumble around in the dark to pick it up. You manage in a gravelly voice, "He..ll...o," followed by a deep sigh.

If we find ourselves slogging through our days with this feeling of still being half-asleep, it's time to wake up our minds. Here are some tips for feeding our brains to boost self-esteem:

Get plenty of rest.
No one can think straight without sleep. Many people believe they can get by with 6 hours, but researchers have found that most of us need 7 to 9 hours every night. Going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time each day improves our mental alertness.

Eat nutritious foods.
Limit sugar and starches, which make us feel foggy. A diet high in protein and heavy on vegetables provides us with a clearer head and less fatigue throughout the day. A high-protein, low-carb breakfast gives us the mental boost and the confidence we need to start our day off right.

Get adequate exercise.
If we've been couch potatoes for years, we should start out with 10 minutes of stretching, yoga, or gentle walking. Even this minimal amount of movement increases blood flow to the brain. We can work up to 30-60 minutes of exercise daily to keep our minds sharp and our confidence levels high.

Turn off the TV.
As a teacher, I could tell which of my students spent an inordinate amount of time in front of their TV sets. They were slow to respond to questions, couldn't think creatively, and suffered from low self-esteem.

Television viewing is a passive form of mental work, meaning that we simply take in information without having to put in much thought. It dulls our minds so that we lose confidence in our abilities when we turn off the set and try to interact with others.

Pick up a good book.
Unlike TV viewing, reading forces us to use our minds in many creative ways. As we scan the words on the page, our minds form pictures in our heads of how the characters look, what the setting is like, and what all of the thousands of details must be. Reading is a great confidence booster, because it increases our vocabulary, teaches us about new places, and provides opportunities to learn about other people.

Skip the tabloid newspapers and magazines.
Reading the gossipy junk in tabloid newspapers and magazines is, in my opinion, a complete waste of mental power. They are written at a sixth-grade reading level and report all kinds of depressing news. If I look at them, I feel awful afterward. I realize that I've wasted a reading opportunity, and thinking about all those divorces, drug overdoses, and relationship issues drains my confidence. Who could possibly feel refreshed or more confident after reading about so much gloom and doom?

If you want to know what's going on in the world, pick up The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal. If you don't have access to them, subscribe online. The National Geographic magazine is full of interesting articles and photographs that will expand your horizons and increase your confidence. Learning about unusual animals and people from other cultures gives us something to talk about when we meet others. And being able to interact with some degree of intelligence boosts our confidence.

Read the Bible.
The Bible is God's living, breathing Word, which brings us refreshment, enlightenment, encouragement, love, and hope each time we pick it up. If we are facing hardships, the Holy Spirit leads us to messages about God's ability to provide for us. When we've reached a success point, the Word gives us plenty of opportunities to praise God for it. If we read the Bible daily, we discover that our confidence increases. There is no problem that is too big for God to handle. We can go out into the world with our heads held high, knowing that the Almighty Creator of the Universe is walking ahead of us.

Romans 12:2a (NIV) tells us about the importance of focusing on God, and not on the tragedies that we find on the TV set or in junk newspapers. It reads, Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Our minds can be renewed each time we open the Bible. And with the renewal of our minds, confidence grows.

Today's Challenge
Choose two things from the tips above to feed your mind. For the next week, write down how those two changes are improving your confidence.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Exercise Enhances Confidence

We learned yesterday that a poor body image takes a toll on our confidence. So, we continue today with our discussion about how to increase our self-esteem by taking better care of our bodies. This is a continuation of my series, Confident in God's Hands.

The brain responds positively to exercise.
Whenever we exercise, our brains increase the production of endorphins. These are the feel-good chemicals that lift our mood and make us feel more energetic. If we want to increase our self-confidence, we must exercise.

Aerobics or weight training?
Aerobic exercise increases our heart rate and forces our lungs to work harder. Many people believe it is the only form of exercise we need, but building muscle mass is just as important.

Developing more muscle makes our bodies burn more calories, so it is easier to maintain a healthy weight. A muscular person uses up more fuel just sitting in a chair than a flabby person does. His entire metabolism is running faster, giving him greater energy and confidence throughout the day.

My unique perspective on exercise
I have been challenged by multiple sclerosis (MS) for a number of years. I experience days when I can barely lift my arms or support my weight on wobbly legs. This forces me to sit or lie down for long periods of time, which does not do much for my outlook or confidence. I am dependent on others to lift heavy objects for me. At times, I am dependent on people to lift me! I don't like feeling so physically useless.

When the MS goes back into remission, I am filled with a resurgence of energy. Nothing feels better than to use my muscles again to perform tasks that require strength. When I can lift heavy boxes for myself, I feel an incredible sense of empowerment. It doesn't take rocket science for me to see that there is a direct correlation between physical strength and confidence.

Start slowly.
If you're not used to exercising much, check with your doctor to make sure that you're healthy. Then, start out slowly. If you're used to sitting all day, either at a desk or in front of the TV, take more frequent breaks. Stand up and stretch your arms overhead. March in place, or take a step back and stretch your hamstrings.

Begin walking as much as possible. If you drive to work, park your car farther from the front door of your office. Spend your breaks and lunch hours walking. After dinner, take another walk.

I didn't think that I could walk very far until I got my puppy, Zibby. I began walking with her, and her energy led me farther from home each day. I went from walking about a half a block to three miles daily. If I can do that, I'll bet you can, too.

Step up the pace.
After you're comfortable with walking, step up the pace. Ride a bike around town with your kids, sign up for a dance class, take the stairs instead of the elevator, go swimming at the pool, or play a fast-paced game of ping-pong.

Get your heart rate up so that you're slightly out of breath and sweating. If you really want to maximize your efforts, look up the target heart rate for your body build and push yourself to achieve it at every workout.

Add more muscle.
There are many ways to bulk up muscle mass. The obvious route is a daily trip to a gym, where we pump iron. Some people love this type of discipline, but others feel like screaming after a few days of the same routine.

For those of us who can't stand the gym, there are other options. Routine physical labor can increase our strength. Strenuous activities such as heavy house cleaning, gardening, chopping and carrying firewood, carpentry tasks, and lawn mowing all build strength.

My personal favorite for building muscle mass and confidence is yoga. I used to think this was a ridiculous form of exercise. I wondered how a person could possibly get fit by sitting cross-legged on the floor with their hands in prayer position. Now, I realize that some positions are designed for the quieting of the mind, while others are meant to challenge our muscles.

Aerobic Exercise + Strength Training = Confidence
When we combine aerobic exercise with strength training, the outcome is much greater self-confidence. Why? Not only do we feel better, we look better. We exude far more self-confidence when we're trim and strong than we do than when we're ashamed of the way we look and we need assistance to perform difficult tasks.

Proverbs 31 describes the wife of noble character. It tells us in verse 17, She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. How strong are your arms? Do you feel vigorous as you go about your daily chores? God designed you in his image. What are you doing to preserve his plan for your ideal body?

Today's Challenge
Consider your daily exercise routine. Does it include both aerobic exercise and strength training? How would an improved exercise program enhance your confidence? What can you do today to change your daily routine so that you can include more physical activity?