
As a survivor of abuse and trauma, I understand how difficult life can be at times. I hope that you will learn new ways of coping each day, so that life becomes not just a way to survive, but an opportunity to thrive!

AMONG the ASHES will be available November 19!

My mystery, Among the Ashes, will be available November 19, 2011 in paperback and e-book versions. It tells a suspenseful story about a young woman who struggles to understand why she suffers from the anxiety and depression that go along with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). For more information, visit www.cheryldenton.com.

Showing posts with label fears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fears. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2011

Self-Imposed Solitary Confinement Kills Confidence

We continue today with my series, Confident in God's Hands. As survivors of abuse and trauma, we frequently create a form of self-imposed solitary confinement. Social anxiety can make us so fearful or uncomfortable that we barricade ourselves in our homes for days, weeks, months, or even years at a time. This is a sure-fire way to slowly drive ourselves crazy.

Research shows that we need other people.
Researchers found in 2009 that one's social environment can modify the biology of breast cancer and lead to significant differences in outcome. Female mice stressed because they were separated from their mothers developed more and larger mammary gland tumours than more contented animals. (The University of Chicago study appears in the Journal for Cancer Prevention Research.)

Researcher S. Grassian studied the effects of solitary confinement on prison inmates. He described psychiatric symptoms that appeared in 14 inmates exposed to periods of increased social isolation and sensory restriction in solitary confinement. The author asserts that these symptoms form a major, clinically distinguishable psychiatric syndrome. (Am J Psychiatry 1983; 140:1450-1454)

Psychologist Craig Haney of the University of California, Santa Cruz, is an expert on long-term solitary confinement. He explained why solitary confinement is typically used in prisons.

He said, "It’s a very painful experience. People experience isolation panic. They have a difficult time psychologically coping with the experience of being completely alone."

"In addition," he said, "solitary confinement imposes conditions of social and perceptual stimulus deprivation. Often it’s the deprivation of activity, the deprivation of cognitive stimulation, that some people find to be painful and frightening."

"Some of them lose their grasp of their identity. Who we are, and how we function in the world around us, is very much nested in our relation to other people. Over a long period of time, solitary confinement undermines one’s sense of self. It undermines your ability to register and regulate emotion. The appropriateness of what you’re thinking and feeling is difficult to index, because we’re so dependent on contact with others for that feedback. And for some people, it becomes a struggle to maintain sanity."

Go out into the world every day and talk to at least one person.
The social isolation that often results from abuse or trauma can be disabling. We must fight this downward spiral into depression and ever-greater anxiety by going out into the world every single day to find someone to talk to.

Talking on the phone, texting, and emailing don't count as much as real, one-on-one interactions with others. We need to be around other people, because it helps us to measure how we are doing. Social interaction helps us to monitor and adjust our behavior. It gives us confidence, because other people validate who we are and why we're here.

We're a lot like dogs in a pack.
My poodle, Zibby, is frequently as isolated as I am. She doesn't get very many opportunities to go out into the world, particularly when MS slows me down. When she was a puppy, our trainer told us that it was imperative for Zibby to meet at least 5 new people every week if we wanted her to become socially mature.

For the past several months, I've been so busy, Zibby has had to stay at home more often than she or I would like her to. After a number of days of isolation, I took Zibby to a friend's house. My poor dog went completely bonkers. She raced around the living room like an Indy driver, banking off of the sofa and barking her head off. My friend's dog just sat on the sofa, staring at my insane little dog.

Without other dogs to help her self-monitor her behavior, Zibby is having a difficult time learning how to adjust her emotions. We're not much different. Like dogs who learn best in a pack, we thrive when we can mirror others' behaviors. We learn how to adjust ourselves by checking in with other people.

God designed us to live in community with others.
After God made Adam, he said, "It's not good for the Man to be alone; I'll make him a helper, a companion." (Gen 2:18 MSG) Even though Adam had the companionship of every animal God had created, he was still lonely.

Like Adam, it is not good for us to be alone. My dog may provide me with some companionship, but she is certainly no subsitute for the company of other people.

If we find ourselves isolated from others as a result of our home's location, our work environment, or our own self-imposed prison of loneliness, we must make changes as soon as possible. If, for some reason, we can't get out of our house, we need to make sure that someone visits us regularly.

As we can see by the research above, social isolation leads to a documented form of mental illness. Unless we take steps to interact with other human beings daily, we are at high risk of losing our sanity. And there's no better way to destroy our confidence than to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world.

Today's Challenge
Have you been isolating yourself because it is so painful for you to go out into the world? The longer this goes on, the harder it becomes to change. Open the door today and step out into the world. Find someone, anyone, to say hello to. Do the same thing tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. If you want to thrive and restore your confidence, you need other people to help you self-monitor and adjust.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Shake Off Old Labels

We continue with my series, Confident in God's Hands. Today, we take a look at labels and how they shape our actions.

What labels have been stuck on you?
For many of us, abuse has been an undercurrent throughout our lives. It may have begun at home, where unkind words, harsh punishment, or sexual molestation left us feeling frightened and powerless. When we went out into the world with our insecurities, the bullies around us picked up on our weaknesses and stuck labels on us.

We all know about labels. Kids are pros at looking at a person, sizing her up in a heartbeat, and giving her a label. Over the years, labels stuck to me, almost as perceptible as sticky notes clinging annoyingly to my skin. I was called skinny, monkey, four-eyes, buck-tooth beaver, pizza face, goody two-shoes, prude, and many other unkind names. Eventually, I felt as if I were wearing a sign on my back that read, "Abuse me. I'm an easy target."

With all of those names attached to my soul, it was difficult to develop much courage. Many of us go through our entire lives, acting as if those old labels accurately describe us.

God has labeled us as beautiful, peaceful, joyful, patient, kind, gentle, faithful, and good. It's time to start believing in his labels and forget about the inaccurate, ridiculous, unkind ones of our childhood. We must consciously identify what our old labels are, rip them off, and replace them with better ones.

Label yourself like Jesus.
The apostle Paul tried to encourage the people of Corinth to look at themselves and the labels they were wearing. He urged them to throw them out and label themselves Christ-like.

Each of us is now a part of his resurrection body, refreshed and sustained at one fountain—his Spirit—where we all come to drink. The old labels we once used to identify ourselves—labels like Jew or Greek, slave or free—are no longer useful. We need something larger, more comprehensive. (I Corinthians 12:12 MSG)

We must take a long, hard look at the labels we've been operating under all of our lives. It's imperative that we give up acting as if we are those things that have been pasted to our personalities. We aren't victims, losers, clumsy oxen, bad children, or anything else ugly that has been attached to us.

We are free in Christ to label ourselves something beautiful and strong. What words would you use to describe the real you?

Today's Challenge
Identify inaccurate labels which have been clinging to you for years. Shake them off and put on a new label as a member of the body of Christ which has been refreshed in his Spirit.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Stop Slouching

We're learning about how to feel more confident during my series, Confident in God's Hands. So far, we've looked at our fears and anxieties, considering whether or not we might have some serious issues with PTSD following trauma. Now, we're going to get to work, learning some simple tactics to build self-confidence.

Appearance says a lot about us.
Our physical appearance says a lot about how we feel. If we walk with our shoulders hunched forward, our heads down, and our eyes on the ground, it sends a powerful message to everyone we meet. It says we're not confident, we feel inferior, and we've got VICTIM stamped on our foreheads.

The Song of Solomon 5:10 (MSG) describes the attributes of the perfect man, including the following phrase: He stands tall, like a cedar, strong and deep-rooted. God has designed us all to stand tall. Are we feeling and looking as strong and deep-rooted as a mighty tree?

Stand tall.
A car accident nearly a year ago left me with a frozen shoulder. For six months, I've been through grueling physical therapy exercises in an effort to regain the full use of my arm. I've been whining about the huge amount of time this has taken from my schedule, but I realize now that I've benefited in more ways than one.

While I have finally regained the full range of motion in my shoulder, I've gained something far more valuable. I recognize that slouching had taken a toll on my health and on my self-confidence.

Something new and wonderful began happening to me on the days that I attended physical therapy sessions. Afterward, complete strangers were smiling at me and saying hello. At first, I couldn't figure out why this was happening. But over time, I began to see that the friendly greetings were directly related to my improved posture.

Look around.
When I understood that my posture affected how others perceived me, I began to look around at the people I met. What was their posture telling the world? I saw that the majority of people have awful posture, and their appearance reflects the toll it may be taking on their self-confidence.

What is your posture saying? Are you slumped over, because you're depressed, stressed, tired, worried, or burned-out? You can change how others perceive you and how you feel about yourself by simply changing your posture.

Exercises for improved posture.
There are two simple exercises that anyone can do to improve posture. Start out with 6 repetitions of each one and work up to 30.

1) Stand straight, as if someone were holding you by a string attached to the top of your rib cage. Drop your shoulder blades down and pinch them together. Hold for a count of 5 seconds. Repeat 6 to 30 times.

2) Reach forward with your hands and pull back your elbows as far as possible, as if you were rowing a boat. Pinch your shoulder blades together. Hold for a count of 5 seconds. Repeat 6 to 30 times.

These two exercises can get you off to a good start toward improving your posture and boosting your self-confidence. Tomorrow, we'll take a look at other methods for improving our self-image.

Today's Homework
Stand in front of a mirror and assess your posture. Or better yet, have someone take a picture of you from the side. Review what you see. Are you slouching? Take action today to improve your posture so that you will feel and look more confident.

Friday, June 3, 2011

What Are Your Fears Telling You?

We have focused our thoughts this week on our fears as part of my series, Confident in God's Hands. A few readers sent me their comments, and as promised, I'm going to reveal mankind's top 10 fears today, as well as a few lists of my own.

Our fears are trying to tell us something.
The medical term for extreme fear is phobia. And phobias are the most common symptom of anxiety disorders. An American study by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) found that between 8.7% and 18.1% of Americans suffer from phobias. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phobia)

If we're suffering from extreme fears that disrupt our daily routines, we've got a mental illness that needs to be addressed. I spoke with a woman before writing today's post about our fears, and she told me that she suffered from undiagnosed anxiety for years. Identifying it became a turning point for her, because knowing that it was an illness empowered her to treat it.

Mankind's Top 10 Fears

1. Fear of spiders
2. Fear of social situations
3. Fear of flying
4. Fear of any place or situation where escape might be difficult
5. Fear of being trapped in small confined spaces
6. Fear of heights
7. Fear of vomit
8. Fear of cancer
9. Fear of thunder and lightning
10. Fear of the dead or death

Alternative Fear Lists
There are almost as many lists of top 10 fears as there are fears. Some sources include the fear of bugs, mice, snakes, or bats. Other lists change up the order of the fears.

Americans have very different fears from the overall population. We tend to be more afraid of terrorists, economic downturns, personal financial failure, and divorce than the rest of the world.

I believe that our list of fears may evolve over time. Things that frightened us as children or young adults may no longer hold any power over us. And as we age, we may become fearful about situations, such as falling or losing our independence, which we may never have given a second thought in our youth.

My guess is that survivors of childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, and trauma all have their own specific lists of fears, too. I surmise that many of us fear situations where we can't escape, because abusers have held such power over us.

I frequently have nightmares about going back to living in the same houses with my abusers, where they have absolute control over me. I also dream about floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes, which I cannot escape.

Are we suffering from anxiety disorders?
For years, I tried to figure out what my night terrors meant. Now I know that they're merely symbols for my number one phobia: the inability to escape. I know that I developed this extreme fear as a result of being locked in the dark after having been sexually abused. This phobia grew worse after nearly twenty years of domestic violence.

So how do we deal with these types of phobias that interrupt our sleep and paralyze us during the day? In my opinion, a mental healthcare professional should be consulted. Medication may be required, at least in the short run until we learn some coping mechanisms. Over the next four weeks, we will learn some strategies to help us deal with our fears so that we can become more confident.

If you've been struggling with anxiety for many years, as I have, you may be thinking that this is going to be an impossible task. I want to encourage you to believe that life can be much more enjoyable without fear. Luke 18:27 (NIV) reminds us, What is impossible with men is possible with God.

Today's Challenge
Review your list of fears and consider two questions: 1) Are your fears so extreme that you are changing your daily routine or decisions to work around them? 2) Are you having symbolic nightmares about your fears that disturb your sleep and leave you feeling depressed upon awakening? Becoming aware of the power that our fears have over us is key to eliminating them.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Who is More Powerful than God?

We continue today with our series, Confident in God's Hands. This week, we are considering how fear robs us of confidence.

Is God the most powerful force in the universe?
In recent weeks, tornadoes have ripped through our country, leaving downed trees and power lines, and devastating homes and businesses in their wakes. Whenever we see natural disasters, such as tornadoes, tsunamis, and earthquakes, we are awed by the power of Mother Nature. But who do we beleive is behind all of her power?

I believe that God controls everything, even the wind and the waves. When Jesus walked on water, he did so in the middle of a squall on the Sea of Gallilee. It amazed the disciples that he could walk on water, but what really awed them was Jesus' ability to make the storm stop with three simple words, Quiet! Be still. (Mark 4:39 NIV)

We must believe that God, not Mother Nature, is behind such powerful energy. Doing so helps us to become more confident. How? The apostle Paul wrote, If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31 NIV) If God can control a squall with a few simple words, he can surely speak on our behalf to help us out of difficult situations.

Can anything outpower God?
The Bible tells us that there is no person or power greater than God. Paul wrote in Romans 8:37-39 (NIV), No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

If God can outsmart and overpower death, demons, the future, and every other existing power, why should we ever be afraid? As long as we belong to God, we have nothing to fear!

Why do we have such poor self-confidence?
Imagine how much we could all accomplish if we had no fears. I would ride a horse again over four-foot high brick walls without fearing that I might fall off and reinjure my head. I'd swim in the ocean without worrying about sharks, sting rays and jelly fish hurting me. What would you do?

Without fear, I would be free to live the way God wants me to. The problem for all of us is that Satan whispers in our ears every day that we'd better not trust God to protect us. He uses our fears to keep us from relying on God when we feel weak. And as our fears mount, our confidence shrinks.

Can we overcome our greatest fears?
Most of us don't even realize how much we are controlled by our fears. If we are aware of them, we've learned ways of coping so that we constantly dance around them.

Our fears are like venemous snakes crawling freely about our homes. Instead of calling in a snake handler to get rid of them, we barricade ourselves in the rooms that are snake-free, or we tiptoe around the slithering creatures.

Living with fear, like living with snakes, robs us of the ability to relax. Who can laugh or dance or sing with snakes underfoot? And yet we pretend that we can fully live with fears controlling our every move.

For the next six weeks, we will learn how to fully acknowledge our fears, look into the causes of them, and eventually learn to replace our anxious responses to life with better coping skills. I hope that you will journey with me as we learn to become conquerers over fear, confident in God's hands.

Today's Challenge
Memorize Romans 8:31: If God is for us, who can be against us? The next time you become fearful, anxious, or worried about a situation, repeat this passage to yourself.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Powerful Weapon Against Fear

We continue this week with a look at how our fears erode our self-confidence in my series, Confident in God's Hands. Today, I would like to give you a powerful weapon to use in the battle against fear.

Begin with the truth.
Years ago, I decided to home school my children. In the state where we lived at the time, it was practically illegal. Other home schooling parents advised me not to take the children out in public during the school day. At the time, truant officers were pressing charges against parents and removing the children from their parents' care.

I was more than a litte scared about making such a huge change in our family. What if I got caught? Would the authorities take away my children? What if I failed to teach the children all that they needed to know? Would they find themselves falling short in all areas of life?

I realized that I needed tremendous courage to make it through that first school year. So did the kids. So I decided to begin by teaching them some key verses of Scripture. Their first memorized verse was Psalm 27:1 (NIV): The Lord is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my lfe--of whom shall I be afraid?

While the kids worked to memorize those lines, the truth of it began to sink into my heart. It dawned on me that God was like a fortress around me, and he wasn't going to let anyone break down the walls that he had built.

Expect results.
God's love is an impenatrable wall that fears cannot break down. His truth became the foundation of newfound courage for me in the face of great challenges. Since that time, I have built upon his truths daily to overcome the fears that threaten to steal my peace.

Did my tactic of using God's Word work? I think so. I'm far less fearful today than I was back then. And all three of my adult children know God and have used the knowledge they gained through home schooling and traditional education to become successful in their professions.

If we read God's truth daily and focus on what he can do, no fear can stop us. But we must expect results when we read, applying the truths to our own situations. In other words, we must have faith and believe that God's promises are real and that they apply to each of us personally.

Today's Challenge
Write down Psalm 27:1 in a prominent place where you will see it daily. Write it on an index card and tape it to your bathroom mirror, paint it over your front door, or put in on your computer's screen saver. Memorize the truth contained in God's Word so that you can be better prepared to ward off fears when they come after you.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Your Top Ten Fears

This week, we begin a new series about gaining confidence. I have titled it Confident in God's Hands. Today, I would like to consider what we fear the most, because we cannot develop greater confidence as long as fear reigns supreme in our lives.

Mankind's Top 10 Fears
I looked online at lists of fears that other writers and scientists have compiled. To my surprise, some of my fears didn't make the top 10 list. And some things that terrorize the average person don't bother me in the least.

For example, I'm afraid of running through poison ivy, probably because I'm so allergic to it that it causes breathing difficulties. Poision ivy wasn't even on any of the lists I reviewed.

On the other hand, I could care less about finding a spider in my bathtub or bed. Creepy crawlers that would make most men scream like little girls don't scare me at all. And yet, fear of spiders is on most of the top 10 lists.

What scares you the most?
What are you afraid of? Death? Public speaking? Or maybe snakes and sharks? I would really like to know what your top 10 fears are. Please use the comment section below to send me your top 10 phobias. If you receive my blog via email, just send me a reply. At the end of the week, I'll reveal my readers' most common fears. Don't worry, I won't identify you!

Today's Challenge
Sit quietly today for a few minutes and write down in your journal what your top 10 fears are. No matter how silly they may seem, write them down. Over the course of the next four weeks, we'll work on eliminating or reducing the impact of as many of your fears as we can.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Control Your Emotions

It's hard to believe that we have arrived at the last day of my nine-week series on the fruit of the Spirit, Thriving in God's Garden. We conclude with a look at learning better self-control over our emotions.

Are your emotions controlling you?
Proverbs 14:30 (MSG) tells us, A sound mind makes for a robust body, but runaway emotions corrode the bones. In other words, if we allow our emotions to control us, they will affect every aspect of our lives, including our health.

Are your emotions controlling you? Does depression prevent you from enjoying activities with your mate and family? Is anxiety robbing you of the joys most people experience? Read on to discover how to turn off these negative emotions and tap into the joy God desires for all of us.

Abuse and trauma make us pessimistic.
Negative emotions, such as fear, anxiety, anger, depression, and hopelessness can take over our minds if we are not careful. As survivors of childhood abuse or trauma, we have learned these negative feelings as a result of our pain.

Abuse or trauma causes our brains to instantly respond negatively to everything we encounter, because we have been programmed to expect the worst. By anticipating the worst, we were empowered during the abuse or trauma to survive. This survival instinct is not necessary in everyday life where abuse and trauma are no longer present, but many of us never figure out how to lose our negativity and become like normal people again.

Trauma changes our perceptions.
Joe often teases me, because he says I can look at any situation and see the worst possible outcome. This is very true, and it has served me well as a mystery/suspense author. My twisted view of people allows me to create sociopaths in my novels who find inventive ways to torment and kill others.

But the down side of such a pessimistic outlook is that it can create anxiety and depression if I'm not careful. I must constantly reframe every reaction I have and put a positive spin on it.

Let me give you an example. If someone announces that they're adopting a child, my immediate thought process goes something like this: They're fools. The adoption agency has lied to them about the kid's mental and physical state. They're going to wind up with more trouble than the kid will be worth.

This jaded view of adoption evolved within my mind after Joe and I adopted eight-year-old twins from Ethiopia. They had disrupted a previous adoption, and we were told by the adoption agency that they were very normal little girls who had simply been placed in the wrong home.

It became apparent within just a few weeks that these two broken little souls were beyond repair. We spent all of our free time for nearly two years in hospitals and psychologists' offices, trying to figure out how to cope. My life became a waking nightmare, as each of the twins tried to commit suicide in order to escape the love of our family. In the end, we had to place them in a group home for children with reactive attachment disorder (RAD).

Our issues with the twins represent a very tiny percentage of adoption outcomes. But the experience was so traumatic that it left me with a warped perception of what adoption generally means to people.

We must control our emotions.
I must constantly reframe my emotions from the negative to the positive. My knee-jerk reaction to news of an adoption is always negative. But, I have learned through cognitive restructuring to tell myself that not all adoptions end badly.

I remind myself to look for the positives in the situation, such as the joy of parenting when it has been impossible, and the comfort of having parents forever. By taking control of what I am thinking and replacing negative reactions with a more positive outlook, I can find joy in situations that used to cause nothing but despair.

Look to God for hope.
The best cure for negative emotions that I have found is the Bible. God makes promises in every chapter to love us, provide for us, and guide us. But it's hard to believe such encouraging news if we don't read it for ourselves on a regular basis.

My favorite chapter is Psalm 91. Whenever my emotions are out of control, and anxiety or depression are fogging my mind, I look to these words of comfort. God promises to protect me from disease and my enemies. He assures me that his angels will always guard me. No matter how much trouble I encounter, God will always be there to bless me with long life and the promise of eternity in heaven with him.

Who could possibly remain under the control of willy-nilly emotions after reading something so comforting? There is power in God's Word...power to overcome the negative emotions that threaten to steal our joy...power to uplift our spirits and leave us feeling confident that life is good.

Coming next
Thank you for joining me for the past nine weeks. We will begin a new series on Tuesday about overcoming our fears and growing more confident. It is titled, Confident in God's Hands.

Today's Challenge
Are you a pessimist or an optimist? If your emotions are wreaking havoc on your life, take control of your thoughts today. Stop yourself when negative thoughts creep in. Ask yourself where they originated, and then replace them with more logical thinking. Read God's Word daily to remind yourself of the blessings that await you.

Friday, February 4, 2011

What Does Fear Have to Do With Forgiveness?

We live in a world consumed by fears.
Today’s headlines shout at us to be fearful. A terrorist leader eludes authorities, who fear he may resurface stronger than ever. A suicide bomber kills countless innocent people in a public place, and nearby residents fear that more attacks are imminent. A kidnapper snatches a journalist, and his relatives fear that their loved one is dead. Terrorists know that they can control many people, because fear has the power to immobilize not only individuals, but entire nations.

God spoke to the Israelites through the prophet, Isaiah: I, yes I, am the one who comforts you. So why are you afraid of mere humans, who wither like the grass and disappear? (Isaiah 51:12) Today, we will focus on why we are so paralyzed by fear.

Why are we so fearful?
As I mentioned in a previous blog, when we experience childhood sexual abuse or traumatic events, our brains get re-programmed. We begin to respond to many challenging issues with either fear or anger. They become automatic responses, and we may not even be aware of them.

What is fear?
Fear is the opposite of faith. With great faith, we trust in God to provide everything we need. We do not fear anything when we are faith-filled, because even in death, God provides for us.

Satan knows how powerful our faith is. That is why he uses fear so often to weaken our faith. If he can get us to believe a lie to make us afraid and lose faith in God, he will capitalize on it.

I have found it helpful to think of fear as a weed that Satan has planted in the garden of my life. If we have ever grown anything, we know that once we let weeds get started, they will choke the life out of our vegetables and flowers. So, if we get rid of our fears as soon as they sprout up, like the weeds in the garden, our life blossoms. Like weeds, we cannot just nip our fears off at the tips. We have to dig deep and get rid of the entire weed of fear.

Some of us who have survived abuse tend to fertilize, water, and make room for the weeds of fear in our lives. We make excuses for tending our fears, but we don’t realize that by doing so, we are choking out our own life energy.

Why should we work to eliminate fear?
One of the biggest roadblocks to forgiveness is the fear of confronting people who have wronged us. Fear may have paralyzed us to the point where we are no longer able to assert ourselves when we need to. We may be afraid that if we do confront someone, they will deny any wrong-doing on their part. We are also afraid that confrontation may turn the tables on us so that our perpetrators accuse us of being at fault. Eliminating our fears is essential if we ever want to get to the point of total forgiveness.

Some fears are warranted.
In some cases, being afraid of someone or something is warranted, because we are not safe. For example, if we choose to take a short-cut through a dark alley downtown late at night, we may become afraid. There is good reason for that fear: we know either from past experience or from others’ experiences that our behavior could place us in harm’s way. We can use our warranted fear to help us choose to walk only on well-lighted streets. In a case like this, our fear is similar to our anger: it serves as a warning that something is wrong.

Some fears are excuses for action.
On the other hand, some fears are just avoidance mechanisms that we use to skirt difficult issues. We must never use our fear as an excuse when we know that something needs to be addressed. Confronting others when they have done something to hurt us calls for us to stand up for ourselves.

We must also stand up for people who are unable to speak up for themselves—children, the elderly, the handicapped, and the poor are included in this group. As survivors of abuse and trauma, I believe we have a duty to other victims, too. Joe has frequently told our kids, “All it takes for evil to grow is for good people to do nothing about it.”

In the quote from Isaiah at the beginning of today's post, God asks us why we are afraid of other humans. He tells us that they all eventually wither like the grass and disappear. So why is is so hard for us to stand up to people and tell them how we feel? Next time, we will explore many of the root causes of our deep fears and how we can overcome this second roadblock to forgiveness.

Today's Challenge
Take out your journal and write down your top ten fears. Start thinking about how they took root, and we'll learn how to remove them on Monday.