
As a survivor of abuse and trauma, I understand how difficult life can be at times. I hope that you will learn new ways of coping each day, so that life becomes not just a way to survive, but an opportunity to thrive!

AMONG the ASHES will be available November 19!

My mystery, Among the Ashes, will be available November 19, 2011 in paperback and e-book versions. It tells a suspenseful story about a young woman who struggles to understand why she suffers from the anxiety and depression that go along with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). For more information, visit www.cheryldenton.com.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Use Feedback to Your Advantage

Jack Canfield's Success Principle #19

As we progress in our quest toward our dreams, we'll receive all kinds of feedback. It will come in the form of advice, data, help, suggestions, and criticism. We must be willing to respond to it. Jack provides some advice on how to use feedback to our advantage.

(1) Understand that there are two kinds of feedback.
We like positive feedback, because it generally makes us feel good when we receive praise, promotions, raises, awards, and pleasure. We tend to dislike negative feedback, because a lack of money, criticism, complaints, unhappiness, and conflict bring us pain.

We must change how we respond to negative feedback, because it provides us with improvement opportunities. To reach our goals more quickly, we need to embrace both positive and negative feedback.

(2) Stop responding to feedback in ways that don't work.
Some responses to feedback don't work to our advantage. They include:

a) Caving in and quitting;
b) Getting mad at the source of feedback; or
c) Ignoring the feedback.

If we break down, cry, and give up on our way to our goal because we can't stand the negative feedback, we've only hurt ourselves. Listening to it and adjusting our behavior would be a better way to respond.

Getting mad at the person who is trying to provide us with constructive criticism only serves to push away something that could help us. It builds walls between us and the person who wants to help.

Ignoring negative feedback is really foolish. Pretending it isn't there could cause us to veer so far off course that we never reach our goals.

(3) Ask for feedback.
The most valuable question we can ask is, "How am I limiting myself?" We may be pleasantly surprised to find that others see clearly the corrections we need to make to reach our goals. But we must be willing to ask. We have to make it safe for the other person, too. No fair shooting the messenger after we've asked for feedback.

(4) Learn to ask the two most valuable questions of all.
If we learn nothing else from Jack Canfield's book, The Success Principles, I believe this is the most important exercise. The two questions are:

a) On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the quality of our meeting? me as a manager? me as a parent? me as a teacher? this class? this meal? my housekeeping skills? our sex life? this book? this deal?

b) What would it take to make it a 10?

Asking only the first question only lets us know that the person we are working with is dissatisfied. Knowing in detail what it will take to make them satisfied with our performance is key to our success. We must make it a habit to end very project, meeting, class, consultation, installation, and encounter with both of these questions.

(5) Make these two questions a weekly ritual.
We can check in with our accountability partner, spouse, or business associate with these two questions at least once a week. If we ask them to rate the quality of our pathway to success, our relationship, or our work, then we can take action to ensure that things improve the following week.

(6) Be willing to ask.
Most people are reluctant to ask for feedback, because they are afraid of what they are going to hear. The truth is what it is. It can't hurt us, unless we hide from it.

And the worst part is, if we avoid seeking out the truth from others, everyone but us is going to know about it. They will tell their coworkers, friends, business associates, parents, and spouses the truth about us.

If we are the kind of person who gets defensive whenever someone offers us feedback, we deprive ourselves of the very thing that could make us better. Instead of getting defensive, we must start appreciating all feedback. When someone provides it to us, we need to say, "Thank you for caring enough to share that with me."

When we have the feedback we asked for, we must do something to change our own behavior. Asking for feedback and failing to utilize it is a waste of time.

(7) Remember that not all feedback is accurate.
Some people will criticize us and give us inaccurate feedback, because it is filtered through their own psychological distortions. We don't have to act on this type of inaccurate feedback, but we should listen to it.

In other words, if our drunken spouse tells us we're a loser, we should consider the source of such information unreliable. Nevertheless, we should use the fact that our spouse is drunk as another form of feedback about our life.

(8) Look for patterns in the feedback you receive.
If one person tells us that we're a horse, we may write them off as a nut. If three people tell us that we're a horse, we may think there's a conspiracy afoot. If ten people tell us that we're a horse, we'd better buy a saddle!

We need to pay attention to feedback that gets repeated by more than one person. It generally highlights where we should focus our energies to change things.

(9) Follow these steps when all feedback tells you that you've failed.

a) Acknowledge that you did your best with the awareness, knowledge, and skills that you had at that time.
b) Acknowledge that you survived the failure and can cope with the consequences.
c) Keep a journal called Insights and Lessons. Write down everything you learned from your failure. And then write down ways to do it better the next time.
d) Thank everyone for their feedback. Give up explaining, justifying, or blaming others for your actions. This is a waste of everyone's time.
e) Clean up any messes that you have created. Apologize or express regret to everyone that you have hurt. Never try to hide your failures. Remember, everyone else is already keenly aware of them.
f) Review your successes regularly. You have succeeded far more often than you've failed.
g) Regroup. Spend time with positive and loving friends, family, and coworkers until you are ready to move on.
h) Refocus your vision. Incorporate what you've learned from feedback and get on with it. Stay in the game, no matter what.

Proverbs 27:17 tells us, As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. God knows the importance of spending time with other supportive people who can sharpen our skills along the pathway of life. We can accelerate our progress toward our goals more quickly if we follow Jack's advice to ask for and act on both positive and negative feedback.

Today's Challenge
Select one area of your life and ask someone reliable to give you honest feedback about your performance. Remember to thank them, and don't shoot the messenger afterward. Follow up by asking them what it will take for you to improve. Then, take action to correct your behavior.

I welcome feedback from my readers. Please let me know how I am doing in explaining these success principles to you. If there is something I could do better, I would love to know exactly how I could improve.

Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: www.FreeSuccessStrategies.com

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reject Rejection

Jack Canfield's Success Principle #18

Today, Jack Canfield reminds us that rejection is a part of life. It happens at all ages, from the time we get snubbed by little friends on the playground to being fired from a job just as retirement nears. We can't let it get to us, though. He offers the following encouragement to help us get past rejection.

(1) Understand that rejection is a myth.
When you try to do something and you fail, you're no worse off afterward than you were before you began. Rejection is a myth that only exists in our heads.

In my former church, I kept offering to help with various ministries, but I was repeatedly turned down. Eventually, I moved on to another church, where they embraced my eagerness to serve. I felt rejected in the first church, but now I understand that it was only in my head. God had better plans for me, and the rejection I experienced nudged me onward to where I could better serve others.

This is code for "Some will, some won't; so what--someone's waiting."

When we ask someone to help us, some people will say yes, and some will say no. We must shrug off thoughts of rejection with the understanding that someone out there needs us. If we keep trying, eventually, we'll find our YES!

(3) Just say "Next!"
When someone turns down a request that we make, we just turn to the next person and say, "Next!" Colonel Sanders was rejected by 300 companies when he tried to market his recipe for fried chicken. He kept saying, "Next!" until he succeeded. Today, there are 11,000 KFC restaurants in 80 countries.

(4) Learn from other rejects.
Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen were turned down 130 times by publishers who told them that their book would never sell. They kept trying, and they eventually sold over 8 million copies of their original manuscript, wrote 80 other related books, and saw them translated into 39 languages.

A young man named Rick Little wanted to help kids. His idea got rejected by 155 foundations. Eventually, the Kellogg Foundation gave him $130,000 to start Quest, an organization designed to help kids succeed.

Chiropractor Ignatius Piazza knocked on 12,500 doors in Monterey Bay, California to inquire of the residents how he could best establish a new office in their community. Many people had told him they didn't need another chiropractor, but he didn't give up. After months of talking to over 6,500 people, he opened his office and did $72,000 worth of business in the first month.

(5) Think about these famous rejections.
Alexander Graham Bell was turned down by Western Union when he proposed selling the telephone to them for $100,000. They didn't think people would pay good money to play with an electric toy.

Stephen King threw his manuscript for Carrie into the trash, because he was tired of receiving so many rejections. His wife dug it out and urged him to keep trying. He eventually sold more than 4 million copies of the book, and the story was made into a feature film.

Google's original founders approached Yahoo! and suggested a merger. Yahoo! told them to go home with their little scool project and come back when they had grown up. Within 5 years, Google had an estimated market capitalization of $20 billion.

If there is something God has called us to do, and we feel passionate about carrying out his dream for our lives, we must not let rejection stop us. If we keep trying, we can succeed at whatever we want to do, because Scripture tells us, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13)

Today's Challenge
Choose one of your goals and break it down into small steps that will eventually make that goal a reality. Take the first step and decide to ask people to help you. Don't stop until you've accomplished that first step. Let me know what you discover about rejection in the process.

Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: www.FreeSuccessStrategies.com

Monday, November 29, 2010

Ask, Ask, Ask!

Jack Canfield's Success Principle #17

In today's lesson, Jack directs us to ask for the information, assistance, support, money, and time that we need to fulfill our purposes.

(1) Understand why people are afraid to ask others for help.
Most people are reluctant to ask for help, because they fear looking needy, foolish, or stupid. Their biggest fear is that of rejection.

If we need something, we must not assume that someone will automatically tell us no. Remember that if we do ask, and they say no, we will be no worse off than before we asked. If they say yes to our request, we will be better off.

I've been practicing this habit of asking lately, and it's been working beautifully. In the past, when I was seated at a restaurant, I would just accept whatever table I was given. I didn't want the hostesses to think I was demanding and selfish.

Recently, I've been requesting tables in quieter areas, with more comfortable seats, away from noisy children, and so on. Every time, my request has been answered with a better table, because I pushed aside my fear that hostesses would think I was rude.

(2) Learn how to ask for what you want.
a) Ask as if you expect to get it.
b) Assume that you can get what you want.
c) Ask someone who has the authority to give it to you.
d) Be clear and specific. Vague requests yield vague results.
e) Ask repeatedly, expecting to get lots of no's before you get a yes.

Over the weekend, Joe realized that he needed to make a copy of an important document to give to his father. We were eating breakfast in a restaurant near his home town, and he asked the hostess to make him a copy. She denied his request, and he came back to the table to say he'd have to mail the copy later.

His dad took the document and said, "I can get you a copy." He came back within minutes with four copies. When I asked him how he had succeeded, he said that he knew the woman who manages the restuarant. He went directly to her. He succeeded, because he expected to get what he wanted, and he assumed a positive outcome. He was very specific when he asked for four copies, not just one, so he was pleased with the results. He also had the sense to ask the person with the authority to grant his request.

(3) Learn something from sales statistics.
Jack provides some numbers about the odds of selling something. Basically, a sales person must ask at least five times before giving up. Why? Most buyers will assent to a sale after the fourth sales call. We must remember that the odds are against us if we ask only once. We must ask repeatedly, because something almost always changes to bring about a positive response.

(4) Ask, and it shall be given to you.
In another example, Jack tells about a woman who risked looking foolish by asking her boss to send the sales team to an island for a vacation. Everyone in the room stared at her in silence. The boss surprised everyone by saying that if they met a sales quota, he would do it. They were all thrilled a few months later when he sent them to a tropical island. We don't know what we can get until we ask.

(5) Realize that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by asking.
This chapter includes a story about a man who desperately wanted a job as a head football coach. He approached several schools and landed a job within a week.

In the late 80s when jobs were scarce, I applied to over 90 school districts for a teaching position. Every day, I got on the phone and called each one to ask if something had opened up. The secretary in one of those districts became very annoyed with me, because they hadn't hired a new teacher in over 30 years. She told me I was wasting my time by calling.

And then suddenly, the teachers in that district went on strike, and a few days later, the administrators were forced to hire three new teachers. I was one of those three people who were hired. Because I took the approach that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain by asking, I got the job.

(6) Be bold, even in asking for money.
Chad Pregracke was 21 years old when he decided that he wanted to clean up the trash along the banks of the Mississippi River. He opened the phone book to the A's and began asking everyone he called if they wanted to give him some money for this task. At first, people were shocked by his bold request, but over the years, he has raised more than $2.5 million. He has removed over one million pounds of garbage with the help of over 4,000 people.

When Joe was in seminary and I had been paralyzed, we were in dire straits financially. It was very humbling, especially to Joe, to ask for help. But other Christians were incredibly generous, and they donated the funds we needed to stay afloat until Joe found a chaplaincy position.

This entire lesson reminds me that Jesus said, For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (Matt 7:8) God loves us and wants to bless us. If we apply these principles together with prayer, we'll be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Today's Challenge
Make a list of things you want, but haven't yet asked for. Write down the fears related to asking for those things. List what it's costing you not to ask. Then, list the benefits you would receive if you did. Remember to include all areas of your goals: finances, career, recreation, health, relationships, personal growth, and charity. Choose one thing from your list, ask God to help you get it, and start asking for it today. Send me your success story so that I can post it for others to read.

Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: www.FreeSuccessStrategies.com

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Be Willing to Pay the Price

Jack Canfield's Success Principle #16

If we are willing to face overwhelming challenges, setbacks, and pain, we can achieve highly successful outcomes. In today's lesson, Jack Canfield provides us with a number of stories about people who have been willing to pay the price to get what they want.

(1) Remember that pain is temporary; benefits last forever.
In 1976, Shun Fujimoto won the 1976 gold medal in gymnastics, in spite of the fact that he had broken his knee. He endured searing pain, because he knew that it was temporary, and the gold medal would last forever.

(2) Pratice, practice, practice.
Winners are willing to put in more time than the average person to get where they want to be. Basketball player Bill Bradley stayed late afer every practice to put in extra time on the court. He practiced four hours every day. If we want to excel, we must set aside extra time to hone our craft.

(3) Pay the price.
To win, we must put in disciplined effort until we excel at our chosen trade, craft, or profession. Our friend, Bob Russell, started a church in the basement of someone's home with just 25 people. Throughout his career, he insisted that everyone on his team work to a point of excellence, because he strongly believes that God deserves our best. By the time he retired after four decades with Southeast Christian Church of Louisville, Kentucky, he was leading 20,000 people in worship every weekend.

(4) Do it ten times perfectly.
Jack tells a story about clarinetist Tom Boyer, whose teacher demanded that he play an extremely difficult piece 10 times perfectly each day before ending practice. In time, this procedure landed Tom a spot with the Cleveland Orchestra.

I used this same method when I taught my oldest son, Lance, how to drive. He was not allowed to leave our neighborhood until he could shift smoothly all the way around the block ten times without stalling. When he first started, he thought this was ridiculous. But years later, he told me that my demands pushed him to a point of confidence when it was time to drive out of the neighborhood and onto the expressways surrounding Cincinnati.

(5) Determine to achieve your dream at any cost.
The painter, Wyland, decided in high school that he wanted to be famous. He sold paintings around Detroit for $35 when he first started, and it took him 26 years to finally find his niche with his own gallery in Hawaii. Today, his paintings sell for $200,000. Along the way he suffered rejection, poverty, and mistreatment. But he decided that his dream was worth pursuing, and he never gave up.

(6) Do whatever it takes.
ReMax real estate founder John Assaraf pitched his franchise idea to 5 realtors every single day for 5 years. In the beginning, most people thought he was crazy. But in just a few short years, he created the most successful real estate franchise business in the world.

(7) Put in the time.
Author M. Scott Peck sold his book, The Road Less Traveled, for just $5,000. It didn't sell well at first, so he decided to put in as much time as it took to make it take off. In the first year, he participated in 1,000 radio interviews. For the next 12 years, he did at least one radio interview each day. Eventually, he broke a record for the longest time on the New York Times Bestseller list: 540 weeks.

(8) Build momentum.
The NASA space shuttles use up almost all of their fuel during takeoff. Once they break free of earth's atmosphere, however, they barely use any fuel as they float through space. Our efforts in achieving success must be similar. We need to build momentum at the beginning with extra time and energy so that we can later coast along on our early achievements.

(9) Be willing to go through the awkward stage.
Children know that if they are trying to learn something new, they're going to make mistakes. Adults, unfortunately, often expect themselves to be proficient from the very beginning. This is a ridiculous notion that keeps many people from trying to achieve a new goal. We must be willing to accept that we will be awkward at first, and we'll make some silly mistakes. That's okay. In time, we'll gain the proficiency we need.

(10) Find out the price you have to pay.
When you decide that you want to go after something, it's important to research how much it's going to cost you. If you've got a spouse and children, are you going to sacrifice all of your time with them just to achieve your dream? This is the first time in The Success Principles that Jack asks the reader to consider the costs. Be sure that pursuing your dream will not throw your life so far off balance that you lose your family and friends in the process.

Today's Challenge
Choose one of your goals and list the costs of pursuing it. Will it be worth it in the long run? Or will it cost you too dearly? Is there some way to achieve it at a slower pace or to a lesser degree, while still maintaining your most important relationships? If you determine that the price is too dear, reconsider how important the goal is to you.

Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: www.FreeSuccessStrategies.com

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Develop a Team

Sometimes, we have to table new things that we're reading about and simply throw ourselves out into the world to see what happens. We left yesterday morning for Nashville, and we just got back.

In the span of 36 hours, I traveled 600 miles, had significant conversations with several people about their life's purpose, visited an exhibition of Impressionist painters, learned about the life of glass artist Dale Chihuly, and slept an amazing 11 hours straight.

The thing that struck me the most about my jaunt was the importance of developing a team of supporters. Dale Chihuly began as a glass blower in the 1970s. Over the years, he invited a variety of people to work with him. Today, he is the one of the world's most highly recognized glass artists.

Even though Dale has lost the sight in one eye and cannot lift anything heavy with his right arm, he is still creating magnificent glass objects. He draws a very swift sketch of his idea, and members of his team lift the heavy poles and shove the glass into the furnace. With their two good eyes and strong arms, they execute what he imagines.

I think about where Dale Chihuly would be today if he had insisted on working solo. When he lost his sight and strength, it would have been the end of his production. The world would not be enjoying the jaw-dropping glass objects that his team is still producing. I'm glad that he had the foresight to realize that two heads are always better than one.

We were not put on the planet to carry out our purposes all by ourselves. We need other people to fill in the gaps where we are weak. They need our strengths to help them fulfill their dreams, too.

The apostle Paul compared believers to body parts. He pointed out that each part of our bodies has a special function, just as each person has a special task to perform while he is here on Earth. He wrote, If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? (I Cor 12:17) In other words, each of us is indispensible on God's team.

Who is on your team? If you find yourself walking alone toward your goal, ask someone to help you. You'll discover, as Dale Chihuly did, that two heads are better than one. Who knows? They may one day serve as your eyes or your hands.

Tomorrow, we will resume our study of Jack Canfield's Success Principle #16.

Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: www.FreeSuccessStrategies.com

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dealing with Life's Obstacles

In previous lessons, Jack Canfield wrote about obstacles. He said that we should expect them, deal with them, and move on.

A lovely obstacle walked through my front door last night and caught me by surprise. My son, Ian, showed up unexpectedly for Thanksgiving dinner. This is the kind of obstacle I can easily live with.

We ate too much, talked too much, stayed up too late, and woke up too late. We're scheduled to meet family in another state in four hours, and there's no way I can achieve my goal today of writing about Jack's next lesson.

So, dear reader, enjoy this crazy day of wild shopping. Keep working on your 101 goals, and I'll be back late tomorrow evening.

Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: www.FreeSuccessStrategies.com

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Jack Canfield's Success Principle #15

Many people never achieve their dreams, because they allow fear to get it in the way. Jack provides some helpful methods for overcoming our anxieties that are holding us back.

(1) Understand why we are all fearful.

God built into us an automatic response system that helps us to react to fear. If we are threatened, adrenalin rushes through our system to give us the strength to either fight or flee. This response system can become highly over-reactive in people who have experienced abuse or trauma.

We can regain control over this imbalance if we simply understand that our reaction to fear is natural. Everyone experiences it. We can learn to control it so that nothing stops us from achieving our goals.

(2)Be willing to feel the fear.
If we aren't willing to ever feel some fear, we'll never achieve our dreams. Everyone gets butterflies in their stomachs before speaking before a large audience. But we can learn how to use that fear to our advantage to push onward.

Psalm 118:6-7 reads, The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? If we realize that most of our fears are unfounded and that God protects us along the way, we can develop greater courage to face scary ventures.

(3) Fear is Fantasized Experiences Appearing Real.
Almost all of our fears are self-created. It stands to reason, therefore, that if we create the fantasies of fear in our minds, we can get rid of them.

Jack recommends the following exercise for getting rid of fears:

-Create a list of things we're afraid to do;
-Restate each fear in the following format:

I want to __________________, and I scare myself by imgaining that ____________________________________.

I recognize that I am fearful about jumping back into the workforce after being on disability for many years. In the past, I have been politely asked to give up positions because my health interfered with my performance. Here is what my fear statement would look like:

I want to become independent of disability by writing and publishing books, and I scare myself by imagining that we'll be in trouble financially if I earn enough to end my disability payments and then get sick again.

(4) Get rid of fear.
We can make our fears disappear by asking ourselves what is scary. Then, we can replace that image with its opposite. We can create a new statement that looks like this:

I want to become independent of disability by writing and publishing books, and I imagine that we'll be financially free when I earn so much money that it won't matter if I don't have disability, even if I do get sick again.

(5) Replace the physical sensations that accompany fear.
Jack provides an excellent way to learn how to sense what happens to us physically when we think about our fears. First, we can focus on the feelings that go with fear: tense muscles, headache, uneasy stomach, etc.

Next, we can think about the feelings we'd rather have: joy, calm, confidence, etc.

We can shift back and forth between two of these feelings for 15 seconds each. In other words, think of that uneasiness in your stomach for 15 seconds, and then shift over to the calm that you feel when things go well for you for 15 seconds.

Keep making this shift between fear and calm for 1 to 2 minutes. By the time you're finished with this exercise, you will know that you can control the fear.

(6) Remember back to times when you triumphed in the face of fear.
Think of a time when you were scared, but you mustered up the courage and just did whatever it was that made you fearful. When we face a fear and act anyway, we develop confidence in ourselves. The next time a similar situation occurs, we can remember our courage so that fear doesn't stop us.

This past Sunday, I knew that I needed to go forward at the end of the church service to tell everyone that God had answered their prayers regarding my health. Speaking in front of large crowds has always terrified me, and I didn't want to do it. But I knew that God needed to be honored for his mercy, so I made myself walk up there.

When the pastor handed me the microphone, and I looked out at that sea of faces, I took a deep breath and tried to sound intelligent. My knees were shaking so hard, I thought my legs would give out. But when everyone burst into applause and smiled broadly at me, I realized that I wouldn't have missed that moment for anything. If I can triumph in the face of fear, so can you.

(7) Scale down the risk.
Jack suggests starting with smaller challenges and working our way up to the more difficult ones. By following this excellent advice, we can develop our courage and our confidence.

Talking to small groups of people that I know used to terrify me as much as speaking before a large audience. Now, the small group stuff is a breeze. Someday, the large audiences will be, too.

(8) Figure out if your fear is really a phobia.
If we've got a fear that's preventing us from functioning normally, we've got to deal with it. It's not necessary to be terrified of walking up a set of stairs, flying on an airplane, getting into a car, and so on.

Jack recommends Dr. Roger Callahan's Five-Minute Phobia cure. You can find it at www.ftfrx.com.

Today's Challenge
Today, take a leap and transform your life. Make a list of 10 things that you're afraid to do. Write them out in the format suggested above, and then re-write them with the opposite outcome.